Build it and they will NOT come.

Justin McDonald
3 min readSep 22, 2022
“If you build it they will come” is NOT a marketing plan, it’s a prayer…

How many times have we heard this phase, “Build it and they will come!”

That’s 100% total nonsense.

Honestly, this is the kind of mindset that made me wanna quit going to school.

I mean what they teach you in college, and lower education, especially in public schools, is total bull crap.

Basically, school teaches you how-to “be” and stay poor. Yes, that’s right I’m knocking schools today.

Believe me, there’s plenty of value in the education a student gets in public school systems, don’t get me wrong.

And speaking of VALUE, it’s funny how little people value the public library or public school system these days. But anyways…

A lot of the bologna they teach us in bid-ness school is to create a product and get that MBA.

Worse… invent something from scratch (which nowadays I strongly advise anyone reading to not EVER do ANYTHING from scratch, and will be something I will be talking more about.)

Why invent and innovate???

Why re-invent the wheel… over…and over… and over again like a damn hamster wheel?

The schools of business these days are pretty much saying that us “kids” best create something really “unique” and “what-people-want” garbage.

Then once the student makes this thing or whatever the deliverable they want to sell, it’s time to:


Yup, create a product and pick a market (or niche) to sell it to. Then, it’s all arithmetic and marketing, which many believe is advertising.

Then we all get this illusion marketing is advertising.

And… that advertising is really the mass marketed advertisements you see during half-time, or every 5–10 minutes between TV shows or whatever you stream for FREE on the internet/tube.

I’m sorry this is just plain wrung, wrong, wrong.

You should know by know it all starts with the consumer, the prospect you’re going after.

You can go ahead and try to build something and (hope) they will come.

Look around you. Look at the businesses around you. Look at the new ones.

Do you see any businesses that are struggling to stay afloat?

Have you noticed some of the businesses offering incredible deals and discounts?

Does it ever bother you when someone just tries to jump down your throat to buy something?

Ever get annoyed by irritating and tacky signs or billboards?

I’m guessing you answered “yes” to at lest one of those questions.

My point being is that you can’t just “build” something and expect people to buy it.

Look at how so many restaurants operate:

  • customer randomly shows up
  • they get fed
  • customer pays
  • customer leaves
  • the restaurant hopes they come back

None of the schools these days emphasize on processes versus selling products.

Hard lesson you’ll learn of you just go to school to learn all the ropes in business.

If you build it first, then expect people to respond, you know what happens?

You get grandma to buy one or two, or your parents to buy three, maybe a sibling or niece or nephew and a couple, possibly a nice neighbor and some of your co-workers.

Then that’s it. You’re finished. Nobody else buys again.

See what I mean?

This is why I stress having a proper marketing plan for your product.

But, not only have a decent and money generating marking action -plan, but also have the right timing and segmentation in the process.

Having things go outta sequence can make a whole marketing plan go to the waste side.

Your hard earned dollars and time could be wasted by implementing the wrong strategy at the wrong time.

Anyway, that’s all I have for you today.


If you like to hear more just send me an email at:

P.S. If you need results driven action plans for your products or business feel to drop me a line…

I can help with your ad copy or consult you through these difficult times.

I have very decent rates for my copywriting service and have a special offer on the table for my consulting services over the next few weeks.



Justin McDonald

Badass Business Storyteller... Student of Markets... Results Maximizer...